Promoting Integrated Climate Approaches in South Asia - SAR-CLIMATE

Promoting Integrated Climate Approaches in South Asia

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Photo by Sohel Pravez Haque/

Divided by geographic boundaries, over 1.9 billion people living in South Asian countries share mountains, rivers, oceans, energy sources as well as weather and vulnerabilities associated with climate change. Therefore, cooperation across borders is critical to meeting the challenges unleashed by the vagaries of weather.

The development gains in South Asia are already in peril due to the increasing frequency and intensity of floods, cold and heat waves, droughts, wind storms, and cyclones. Approximately 17.5 million people across South Asia have been affected by monsoon flooding in 2020 amid the COVID-19 health crisis.

The World Bank estimated that the region has lost US$127 billion in damages to 1,000 climate-induced disasters between 1990 and 2019.”Adaptation is the only effective option to manage the inevitable impacts of climate change that mitigation cannot reduce,” an analysis of South Asia specific findings from the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) by Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) argues. The IPCC describes adaptation as “the process of adjustment to actual or expected climate and its effects”.

South Asian countries have been making great strides in developing climate change policies, national adaptation plans, nationally determined contributions to the Paris Agreement, leveraging innovative solutions, and exploring climate financing. Bangladesh, for example, according to the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), is spending US$1 billion per year for climate change adaptation, which is around 6-7% of its annual budget.

However, the adaptation finance gap, as well as the lack of coherent policies, robust institutional setup, and limited opportunities for exchanging regional data, are some of the key challenges South Asian countries face to becoming resilient to climate change. In addition, the region’s dependency on climate-sensitive sectors such as agriculture, water, natural resources, and environmental security requires regional collaboration to accelerate sector-specific adaptation to changing climate.

Given the geo-political situation of the region, an enabling environment needs to be created to foster cooperation and knowledge-sharing. A regional approach to reduce climate change impacts allows for a common baseline of data, information, and knowledge from which country-specific resilience and adaptation policies can be developed.

The writer is the Communications Manager at ADPC.


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