Interview with Dr. Hoesung Lee
The question to lower-income countries would be: ‘How much adaptation is possible?
You set out on this cycle of reports with the objective of highlighting the consequences of climate change and offering ways to help prevent it. Have you succeeded in reaching those goals so far?
This third report highlights the pressing issues that need to be considered while combating climate change. What are the main points that you would like to underline, which require action?
You have been the Chair of IPCC for the past 7 years; would it be true to say that collaboration between the authors and contributors is now at its optimum and the message has never been stronger?
If we look back at COP26 in Glasgow, it was dubbed the ‘Conference of Adaptation’ and you have been a great advocate of creating coherence between mitigation and adaptation.
How is IPCC trying to enhance the understanding of their costs and benefits, especially in the context of development?
For lower-income countries, would you agree that interactions between nature, climate, and humans also require interactions between mitigation and adaptation?
A number of countries have made pledges to reach net zero and lower emissions, especially through their energy sectors. The world is trying to recover from a pandemic at the same time and there is an energy crisis in Europe.
What does that mean for the commitments of those countries
Moving forward, how do you see the role of bioenergy in the context of meeting our climate goals?
And, what are some of the challenges in terms of land use and food security, as well as any other challenges or considerations we should be thinking of?
Considering the economics of climate change and given the vast population of Asia, is the single biggest hurdle in establishing effective sustainable adaptation measures the funding of these measures?
If we are looking for signs of progress in dealing with climate issues, would you say that the advances in technology are offering positive opportunities across sectoral mitigation development?
Do low-income Asian countries have the economic and technological capacity to fulfill the requirements of the IPCC?
Your next report will be a synthesis of this recent cycle of reports, but presumably you’re already planning the next cycle.
What can we expect to be your areas of focus?
Dr. Hoesung Lee spoke to Vidya Rana, Senior Communications Manager, ADPC.