Bangladesh Good Agricultural Practices Policy 2020 - SAR-CLIMATE

Bangladesh Good Agricultural Practices Policy 2020

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The Bangladesh Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) Policy 2020 establishes a comprehensive framework that promotes and implements practices ensuring safe and sustainable agricultural production.

Ensuring safe food production requires following GAP principles from the start of production to post-harvest processing. GAP advocates for optimizing agricultural inputs, managing in an environmentally friendly manner, and ensuring the health and safety of agricultural workers.

To enhance consumer confidence, certification organizations must adhere to standardized procedures. Implementing GAP in Bangladesh will lead to safe and improved agricultural production, heightened environmental sustainability, and boosted economic growth and food security.

Bangladesh’s agricultural sector is gradually transitioning from ‘Subsistence Agriculture’ to ‘Commercial Agriculture.’ This shift aims to produce more food and increase crop production for a growing population by utilizing high-yielding hybrid crop varieties alongside excessive chemical fertilizers and pesticides.

Occasionally, organic fertilizers containing heavy metals or harmful chemicals are used, posing risks to human health. These substances are also employed in the commercial production of agricultural products.

The Policy was retrieved from the Bangladesh Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) and came into effect in December 2020.

In case of any confusion or inconsistency between the Bengali and English texts, the policy compiled in Bengali will take precedence.

Recent Updates:

On 9 January 2022, Bangladesh’s Minister of Agriculture, Muhammad Abdur Razzaque, said that the Policy needs to be implemented quickly to increase the export of agricultural products.

In the virtual meeting, the responsibility for implementing this Policy has already been delegated institutionally by formulating a time-bound action plan. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council (BARC) has been nominated as a scheme owner.

In addition, a steering committee, technical committee, and certification committee consisting of various stakeholders have been formed to manage the GAP policy.

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