Author: Saravanakuma Ramalingam

Roadmap and Action Plan for Implementing Bangladesh NDC: Transport, Power and Industry Sectors
Click image to view PDF SummaryDetailsSuggest an EditSummary Bangladesh's NDC Implementation Roadmap and Action Plan covers the period 2016-2025, with a focus on the period up to 2020. This initial Roadmap identifies 28 specific cross-cutting actions along with detailed actions in each of the sectors. As part of the NDC Implementation Roadmap, NDC Sectoral Action [...] Read More
Nationally Determined Contributions (Interim)
Click image to view PDF In 2020, the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change published the Nationally Determined Contributions (Interim) 2020 of Bangladesh. It includes the recent climate change-related initiatives by the Government, and lists recommended actions following the two-track approach of mitigation and adaptation needed to achieve the country’s NDC targets. Read MoreBangladesh Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC)
Click image to view PDF SummaryDetailsSuggest an EditSummary Bangladesh's Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) sets out a number of mitigation and adaptation actions that will help limit the country’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in key sectors. The INDC includes both unconditional and conditional emissions reduction goals for the power, transport, and industry sectors, alongside further [...] Read More
Tracking Delta Investment in Bangladesh: The 8th Five Year Plan
Tracking Delta Investment in Bangladesh: The First Step Through the Eighth Five Year Plan The Government of Bangladesh published the Eighth Five Year Plan (8FYP) in December 2020 and formulated strategic directions for the period running from 2021-2025. The 8FYP provides essential guidance on initiating the implementation of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 (BDP 2100), [...] Read More
Living with the River: Going with the Flow of the Kosi
During the flooding season, boats become the only means of transport in the Kosi River Basin in places within the embankments. (Photo: Manoj Kumar Singh / Gorakhpur News Line) Living with the River: Going with the Flow of the Kosi The Kosi is a transboundary river that springs from the Himalayan slopes of Tibet and [...] Read More
Exploring the Impacts of Climate Change on Groundwater Resources
Diesel Pumping Set Extracting Water from a Shallow Tube Well for the Paddy Crop on the Outskirts of Dhaka, Bangladesh (Photo: Dr. Niladri Gupta, 2022) Climate change has brought about increased temperature and shifts in precipitation patterns around the world, impacting the water resources sector. The IPCC’s sixth assessment report (AR6) highlights that changes in [...] Read More
Interview with Dr. Hoesung Lee, Former IPCC Chair
Dr. Hoesung Lee and Vidya Rana Interview with Dr. Hoesung Lee Dr. Hoesung Lee is Former Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). ADPC recently held an exclusive ‘Climate Talks’ discussion with this esteemed expert on IPCC’s 6th Assessment Cycle Reports, which range from physical evidence, adaptation and vulnerability, to mitigation of climate [...] Read More
Climate Talks | The UN Climate Change Report: how vulnerable is South Asia?
Dubbed as 'Code Red for Humanity', the Sixth Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Assessment Report was recently released amidst unprecedented weather events across the world. South Asia, in particular, is expected to face intensified monsoons and frequent heatwaves that will continue to threaten its people and ecosystems. Join Professor Rajib Shaw as he contextualizes [...] Read More
Climate Talks | Farm to table: how viable is climate-smart agriculture?
Agriculture supports the supply and access of food and nutrition and is the main source of livelihood in the South Asia region. However, climate change adaptation will require climate-smart sustainable agricultural practices and innovative technologies to address short crop growing periods, extreme temperatures, droughts, and floods, and approaches to deal with water shortages, food insecurity, [...] Read More