Deforestation Exacerbates Climate Change in Manipur in India - SAR-CLIMATE

Deforestation Exacerbates Climate Change in Manipur in India

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Climate Change in Manipur in India

“The ecological impact of deforestation in Manipur reverberates through its diverse ecosystems, casting a shadow over the intricate balance of biodiversity and natural processes.”.

“As access to forest resources diminishes, indigenous communities face heightened risks of poverty and food insecurity, worsening socio-economic disparities.”

Deforestation’s socio-economic consequences reverberate throughout Manipur’s communities, exacerbating vulnerabilities and widening inequalities. The socio-economic implications of deforestation in the state are profound and multifaceted, intertwining environmental, cultural, and economic considerations. Indigenous communities, deeply rooted in the forests of Manipur, depend heavily on these ecosystems for their livelihoods, deriving sustenance from resources such as food, fuelwood, and medicinal plants. However, the depletion of forests throws this delicate balance into disarray, leading to many challenges.

Moreover, the loss of forests undermines cultural traditions and spiritual connections that have sustained these communities for generations, threatening the fabric of their identity. Beyond the immediate socio-economic impacts, deforestation contributes to environmental degradation, compromising ecosystem services vital for local livelihoods.

Underlying Factors and Sustainable Solutions

Traditional practices and other factors had previously facilitated widespread forest clearance. Today, various other reasons contribute to this trend. Firstly, expanding agricultural and settlement activities, driven by population growth and increasing food demand, lead to clearing forests for cultivation and infrastructure development. Logging and fuelwood gathering for domestic use also contribute to the slowly disappearing forests. Though traditional, shifting cultivation has become unsustainable due to evolving land-use patterns, hastening the loss of forests. Large-scale infrastructure projects and associated activities such as mining pose additional threats to forest ecosystems. Forest fires, whether natural or human-induced, and the impacts of climate change, including altered weather patterns and increased environmental stressors, compound the challenges of forest conservation. Socio-economic factors, including poverty and limited alternative livelihood options, also contribute to deforestation as communities engage in activities for sustenance.
“Without climate adaptation mechanisms to sustain and conserve forests, further degradation and exploitation of forest resources are inevitable.”
For want of income and resources, marginalized groups often resort to slash-and-burn agriculture or illegal logging, adding to deforestation rates. Although their actions stem from a need for more awareness and the sole purpose of cultivation, clearing forests perpetuates environmental degradation and undermines conservation efforts. The convergence of these drivers underscores the complex interplay between socio-economic dynamics and ecological degradation in Manipur, demanding a holistic and comprehensive approach that integrates sustainable land-use practices, robust forest governance, and active community involvement in conservation efforts.
Climate adaptation will contribute to an enabling environment that will mitigate environmental damage, strengthen community resilience, promote innovation, and combat climate change. Manipur can overcome these challenges through collaborative efforts and sustainable practices and chart a path towards a more resilient and sustainable future for its people and the environment.

Dr. Thiyam Bharat Singh, Associate Professor, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy (CSSEIP), Manipur University

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