homolata, Author at SAR-CLIMATE

Author: homolata

Climate Change News 27 April – 27 May, 2024

Climate Change and Migration Source: Relief Web Date: 27 May 2024 In the disaster-prone Asia-Pacific region, particularly in South Asia, the frequency and intensity of environmental hazards, exacerbated by climate change, pose significant risks. Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, with floods being the primary driver, recorded the highest number of disaster displacements in 2022. Asia-  Pakistan's [...] Read More

Towards a Sustainable Delta: Need for a Climate-inclusive M&E Framework in Bangladesh

Photo: pexels.com Deltas are birthplaces of human civilization and are highly susceptible to climate change impacts like rising sea levels and changes in river flow. They are also affected by human-induced impacts related to land use within their catchment area. The Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna Delta, for example, is the world's largest and most dynamic delta and home [...] Read More

Climate Change News 27 March- 27 April 2024

WMO Report: Asia Suffers from Extreme Weather Source: UN News Date: 23 April 2024 With the warming trend almost doubling since the period from 1960–1990, Asia is heating up faster than the global average, with increased casualties and economic losses from floods, storms, and more severe heatwaves. Climate change has exacerbated the frequency and severity of such [...] Read More

Social and Gender Inclusivity in Climate Finance

Photo: pexels.com Of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), at least 11 require specific indicators related to social and gender dynamics. The slow progress in achieving SDGs has been due to global political and economic instability, COVID-19 impact, and inadequate financing for implementing climate actions aimed at helping vulnerable nations and communities adapt and build [...] Read More

Gender Equality and Social Inclusion in Disaster Risk Reduction

SummaryDetailsSuggest an EditSummary This course helps participants from different stakeholders groups to learn not just concepts and principles and focuses on operationalizing GESI mainstreaming into climate change and disaster risk reduction. Details The Impacts of disasters and climate change is not gender neutral. e disproportionate impacts include social and economic marginalization; barriers in accessing education; [...] Read More

Climate News 27 February – 27 March 2024

Bhutan launches an environmental Analysis Report: Taking the Green Growth Agenda Forward Source: National Environmental Commission  Date: 12th March 2024 The Ministry of Energy and Natural resources launched the Country Environment Analysis Report for Bhutan. The report provides a unique development landscape, highlighting its success in sustainability and carbon neutrality, while also acknowledging emerging challenges [...] Read More

Climate Change News 27 February – 27 March 2024

Why Bhutan launches an environmental Analysis Report: Taking the Green Growth Agenda Forward  Source: National Environmental Commission Date: 12 March 2024 The Ministry of Energy and Natural resources launched the Country Environment Analysis Report for Bhutan. The report provides a unique development landscape, highlighting its success in sustainability and carbon neutrality, while also acknowledging emerging [...] Read More

Climate News 27 January – 27 January 2024

Why 2024 needs to deliver on Climate finance for South Asia  Source: Climate Analytics Date: 27 Feb 2024 Without climate finance the climate process will halt. For climate action to be on track, 2024 needs to be the year of climate finance. South Asia would need roughly around $200 billion per year out to 2030 [...] Read More

IWRM Implementation in Nepal: Harmonizing Water Demand and Supply Dynamics

IWRM Implementation in Nepal: Harmonizing water demand and supply Dynamics The study is part of a series of studies developed under ADPC's CARE for South Asia project and reviews the status of implementation of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Nepal. The review discusses the current implementation mechanism of IWRM and resource allocation between competing [...] Read More

Assessment of Water Sector Policies and Guidelines of Nepal: Identifying Gaps and Assessing Needs

The report presents a comprehensive review of the policies, strategies, plans, and legislations related to the water resources sector in Nepal. The report also outlines recommendations of proactive plan and the roadmap to adapt to the challenges imposed by climate change by adopting a science-based decision-making approach. The country’s policies appear to be climate responsive [...] Read More