homolata, Author at SAR-CLIMATE - Page 11 of 14

Author: homolata

Energy Saving at Sea

Energy Saving at Sea

Click on the image for more information. SummaryDetailsSuggest an EditSummary This course, Energy Saving at Sea, primarily aimed at seafarers, is a complement to the Introductory course on Energy Efficient Ship Operation and covers detailed practical measures that can be taken by the Engine department and Deck department on board ships to save energy in their [...] Read More
Reporting Emissions Training Course

How to Report Emissions under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution

Click on the image for more information. SummaryDetailsSuggest an EditSummary This self-paced e-course on "How to Report Emissions under the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution" aims to explain the importance of emission inventories for clean air policy development, the requirements for emission inventory reporting and methods for emission estimation. The course features three distinct [...] Read More
Climate News 15 February

Climate News 15 February – 21 February 2023

Four South Asian cities show the way for collaborative, low-emission development Source: The Third Pole Date: 15 Feb 2023 Since 2012, 14 South Asian cities have adopted or are collaborating on an Urban Low Emissions Development Strategy (Urban-LEDS). Urban-LEDS is an initiative by UN-Habitat and NGO ICLEI, which work with cities to accelerate development that [...] Read More
Coastal Risks in South Asia

Re-evaluating Coastal Risks: Land Elevation Data and Climate Change

Dr. Benjamin Strauss (Photo by ADPC) Dr. Benjamin Strauss is Chief Executive Officer and Chief Scientist at Climate Central based in New York, USA. While most of the scientific community researches disasters and climate change, we’ve focused 99% of our energy on how far and how quickly the sea-level will rise or how high storms [...] Read More
Climate News 8 February

Climate News 8 February – 14 February 2023

Maldives is turning to digital innovations to tackle climate change Source: World Bank Date: 8 Feb 2023 The World Bank-financed Digital Maldives project, part of an innovating engagement with the Government of Maldives, is supporting the country in both expanding its current climate-relevant data collection. This platform will bring together many sources of climate data [...] Read More
Transport Infrastructure

Preparing Transport Infrastructure for a Sustainable Future

An aerial view Of Hatirjheel Lake Bridge in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Photo by Salman Preeom/Unsplash A healthy transportation network is the lifeline of any country or city. While the 27th Conference of the Parties (COP-27) participants did not discuss resilient transport infrastructure as much as other priorities, I see a lot of researchers in my field [...] Read More
Climate news 1 February

Climate News 1 February – 7 February 2023

SAARC level Climate Change Journalist Forum formed Source: My Republica Date: 6 Feb 2023 The South Asian Climate Change Journalist's Forum (SACCJF) has been established to address the escalating climate crisis in the South Asian region. The forum, comprising journalists from SAARC countries, elected an 18-member Executive Committee and finalized its constitution and procedures. Asish [...] Read More
potential climate smart agriculture

Unlocking the Potential of Climate Smart Agriculture in South Asia

Dr. Arun Khatri-Chhetri (Photo by ADPC) Dr. Arun Khatri-Chhetri is an Agricultural Economist on Low Emissions Agriculture with the International Center for Tropical Research (CIAT) based at the University of Vermont, USA. For the last 8 years, he has been working in the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) program on climate change, agriculture, [...] Read More
Climate News 25 January

Climate News 25 January – 31 January 2023

IMF Executive Board Approves US$3.3 Billion Resilience and Sustainability Facility for Bangladesh Source: International Monetary Fund (IMF) Date: 30 Jan 2023 The IMF's Executive Board has approved a 42-month Extended Credit Facility (ECF) and Extended Fund Facility (EFF) arrangement of SDR 2.5 billion, equivalent to about US$3.3 billion, along with an additional SDR 1 billion [...] Read More
Bangladesh Climate Change Impacts

Water and Health: Impact of Climate Change in 6 Hotspots of Bangladesh

The blog post was first published on 14 November 2022 and retrieved from World Bank Blogs As part of the Country Climate and Development Report, studies showed the effects of the change of water on health in hotspots around Bangladesh and found the consequences pronounced for women and children. (Photo taken from World Bank Blogs) [...] Read More