
Climate Talks | Interview with Mr. Kamal Kishore, NDMA India
How do you protect and empower a megapopulation against a multitude of climate risks? India, like many other South Asian countries, is witnessing a significant rise in the frequency of cyclones, landslides, and flooding alongside other disasters. Rising sea levels, in particular, threaten community access to freshwater, thereby endangering lives and livelihoods. ADPC launches its [...] Read More
Climate Talks | World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Perspectives of South Asia
As the podiums and parlors of COP26 echoed commitments and calls for action, a clear theme emerged: climate change is guaranteed and we must all plan and prepare for an uncertain future. But how does one prepare for the unpredictable? Forecasting and early-warning systems, for instance, give experts a calculated glimpse into the future of [...] Read More
Climate Talks | Equal Space: addressing gender gaps with GIS
It's worth repeating over and over again that women are affected by disasters disproportionately. Quantifying and visualizing gender inequality is still difficult due to various reasons. This episode will discuss the role of geospatial technologies in tracking the progress of gender equality and attempt to identify some of the gaps that exist in making this [...] Read More
Climate Talks | Interview with Dr. Hoesung Lee, IPCC Chair
ADPC will discuss the recent cycle of reports produced by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). IPCC's 6th assessment cycle reports range from physical evidence, adaptation and vulnerability, and mitigation of climate change impacts. Panelist: Dr. Hoesung Lee is former Chair of IPCC. Key points: Current efforts to combat climate change are falling short [...] Read More