Nepal Archives - SAR-CLIMATE


All documents related to Nepal

IWRM Implementation in Nepal: Harmonizing Water Demand and Supply Dynamics

IWRM Implementation in Nepal: Harmonizing water demand and supply Dynamics The study is part of a series of studies developed under ADPC's CARE for South Asia project and reviews the status of implementation of Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) in Nepal. The review discusses the current implementation mechanism of IWRM and resource allocation between competing [...] Read More

Assessment of Water Sector Policies and Guidelines of Nepal: Identifying Gaps and Assessing Needs

The report presents a comprehensive review of the policies, strategies, plans, and legislations related to the water resources sector in Nepal. The report also outlines recommendations of proactive plan and the roadmap to adapt to the challenges imposed by climate change by adopting a science-based decision-making approach. The country’s policies appear to be climate responsive [...] Read More

Water Harvesting Assessment: Strengthening Water Security in Nepal

OverviewOverview Ensuring water security in rural agrarian societies, is an appropriate strategy of climate adaptation and building resilience in the battle against climate change. Water harvesting and water storage, strengthens water security which can also help attain food security. Different mechanisms like irrigation in agriculture to increase production, and energy security through the adoption of [...] Read More
NbS for Climate

Nature-based Solutions for Climate Resilience in South Asia’s Water Sector

Click on the image to download PDF SummaryDetailsSuggest an EditSummary This training module on Promoting Nature-based Solutions (NbS) for Climate Resilience in the Water Sector in South Asia is designed for the capacity building of practitioners and policymakers working on the management of water resources or having an influence on the water sector, such as [...] Read More

Accessing Climate Finance in Nepal: Issues and Options

Click on the image above to download the PDF SummaryDetailsSuggest an EditSummary The document on Accessing Climate Finance in Nepal: Issues and Options helps summarize key points from a stakeholders’ workshop under the leadership of the Ministry of Finance (MoF) on 8 September 2022 in Kathmandu, Nepal. It notes that funding must be clearly defined [...] Read More
Nepal landslide risks

Nepal Landslide Risks for Resilient Road Planning

Click on the image for the full research paper. SummaryDetailsSummary This research paper focuses on the heightened Nepal landslide risks in mountainous areas due to extreme precipitation induced by climate change. These landslides have increasingly affected vital road infrastructure, crucial for urban economies and rural communities. The study employs advanced models to project future extreme [...] Read More

Nepal Climate Change Policy 2011

Click image to view PDF Climate Change Policy 2011 of Nepal is based on the goal to improve livelihoods by mitigating and adapting to the adverse impacts of climate change and adopting a low carbon emission socio-economic development path. It outlines policies for climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, low carbon development, and climate resilience. Read More

Nepal National Climate Change Policy, 2076 (2019)

Click image to view PDF National Climate Change Policy, 2076 ( 2019) of Nepal is based on the goal to contribute to socio-economic prosperity by building a climate-resilient society. The policy also outlines the objectives, the sectoral policy, strategies and working policies etc. Read More

Nepal National Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction 2018

Click image to view PDF National Policy for Disaster Risk Reduction of Nepal, 2018 is based on the goal to reduce disaster mortality and the number of affected people by increasing disaster resilience. The policy also outlines the policy implementation, its coordination, monitoring and evaluation etc. Read More

Nepal Water Resources Act

Click image to view PDF Water Resources Act, 2049 (1992) of Nepal provides for the management of water resources in Nepal. It covers areas like utilization of water resources for drinking, irrigation, agricultural use etc.  It also includes provisions of license for a person or corporate body to survey or utilize water resources. Read More